Aalé Mowjee
Mindset & Behavioural change Coach

Thank you for being here

Up until my early 30s, my only focus was my career and consequently my health (along with many other things!) went to the bottom of my priority list. I went through life tired, with sleeping issues, and continually in a state of stress and ill health. My diet was marred with processed foods and exercise was a source of punishment. I was frustrated and unhappy with how I felt and what I saw in the mirror.

My journey to reclaiming my confidence and energy over the last few years has been gradual, with a fair few ups and downs. What I’ve learned is that being healthy doesn’t have to be painful or hard. It’s the small, realistic incremental changes that build up to a significant difference. It all starts with empowering yourself to take care of YOU, both physically and mentally. This was further solidified with my training at IIN (Institute of Integrative Nutrition) to become a certified health coach.

I’m passionate about rewiring the way we approach wellness, especially in the South Asian community. Losing weight doesn’t mean restrictive diets or spending hours exercising, it's about understanding your body better and converting what you enjoy and is optimal for you in to long-term, holistic lifestyle changes.

With so much love,


Health Coaching

It’s not enough to only focus on your nutrition or movement. Your health doesn’t exist in compartments. It’s not just about what’s on your plate, and squeezing those workouts in— it’s about your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. These components are all interconnected with each other in a deep way. So I’m here to help you tap in, understand who you are and what your body needs on an individual level to thrive, and to simplify the whole process. I’m here as your guide and mentor who empowers you to make sustainable changes towards the healthiest and happiest version of yourself through looking at the full picture.

We will work on creating balance physically, mentally and emotionally by clearing limiting beliefs by rewriting new ones, looking at your environment and understanding the connection between your health and your relationships, thoughts, career and physical activity.

What people are saying

Aalé Mowjee has helped me thrive mentally and physically during the most the difficult time of my life and it has easily been the best gift I’ve ever given myself. After discovering my mom had stage four cancer, I spiraled into a state of helplessness and confusion, I was wreaking havoc on my body and relationships, which is when I reached out to Aale for help. Aalé helped and continues to help me build myself up step by step, with a lot awareness, empathy and innovative suggestions - from activities to lift my mood and calm my mind, to easy to create foods to nourish and hydrate my body during high stress periods, Aalé’s suggestions have always been on point. What I most appreciate is her unfaltering discipline to check up on me every single day, as well as her perceptiveness in identifying what action points are resonating and which ones are not and why. She has helped me identify things about myself and my body I was unable to see before, which in itself was wildly transformative.

Aalé is extremely easy to speak to, and patient (something I badly required in a health coach) and pushes you to show up every single time to the sessions exactly as who you are instead of who you want to be. She has been kind, which in turn has allowed me to be kind towards myself and my body. I can not thank her enough for going on this journey with me.

Anam Mansuri
34, Karachi

I can not recommend Aale enough. You are on the website because you are interested in what Aale can do for you - well I can tell you she will go above and beyond expectations. I signed up with Aale because I knew she has the type A personality that I lack - and therefore have failed in my ‘lose 5kg quests’ of years gone by. I needed someone to push my butt and take ownership of my yo yo dieting! She made me realise when I was going too hard, and setting unrealistic goals.

Aale went above and beyond, helping me with my business and contacting people in her little black book to help me. Any goal you have - she will help you achieve it. Aale instilled a sense of accountability in me that I was lacking. She even had me send pictures of my portion sizes for each and every meal. One late night craving was helped by me sending pictures of the labels of ‘healthy snacks’. She helped me realise that doing a 10 minute home workout, instead of 45 minutes hard core HIIT is not an indictment on my goal. Tomorrow is another day, and we have not failed.

There were days I would go off piste, and she always bought me back in. She never made me feel guilty, and always reinvigorated and inspired. The thing with Aale is - she puts everything into helping you achieve your goals, you also don’t want to disappoint her!

Saira Noorani

Since starting Health Coaching with Aalé I’ve noticed a significant difference in my mental and physical wellbeing. We’ve been working together on nutrition / eating well as well and building strength through exercise.

Aalé has a calm, measured, caring and thoughtful approach. I enjoy the way in which Aalé encourages me to find different ways to reach my goal. Aalé is always available to give advice (from quick recipes to deal with sugar cravings to getting back on track with the exercise). I really love receiving motivational messages from her through the week. Aalé’s energy is positively infectious.

Since starting the programme I’ve learnt that taking small steps leads to bigger outcomes.

I’m so happy that I came across Aalé on Instagram and look forward to the second half of our programme together - I am sure there will be so much more to learn.

Mental growth:
Aalé has helped me to deal with stressful situations (in different types of situations) in a calm and composed way. This includes breathing techniques and stepping back during moments in which I’d naturally get overwhelmed and very stressed by..!

I’ve also developed a better attitude towards problems and issues in life and learnt to approach them differently and one of the key learning points during my coaching sessions has been ‘what is this teaching me?’ . There’s always something to learn or gain from an experience, no matter how ‘bad’ it may seem at the time.

Physical strength:
I’ve been working with Aalé on a strength building programme using light weights initially and hoping to build on it through increasing the weights and reps. I’ve really enjoyed all the videos and Instagram clips provided. Weight training has become quite addictive. Aalé worked with me on finding a cardio routine that I’d enjoy as I found HIIT and running quite intense.

Changes to eating:
Having a balanced diet is key! Learning to incorporate small changes has made a big difference. Focusing on natural foods and decreasing processed foods has been a great benefit. Also drinking 2 litres of water a day! I’ve seen an improvement in my mood, energy and skin!

Career win:
I have recently completed a Leadership Course through my job in the public service and the final assignment was to carry out a ‘pecha kucha’ presentation. Having had a career at L’Oreal and having to do talks / presentations, Aalé was well equipped to guide me through how to present myself in a more confident and charismatic manner on camera and provided helpful suggestions.

In the rehearsal I was given feedback by colleagues that I really needed to do more to improve, then had a focused session with Aalé and that helped me up my game! I won ‘best pitch’ for the presentation! Definitely won it because of Aalé’s support.

Aalé has a calm, measured, caring and thoughtful approach. I enjoy the way in which Aalé encourages me to find different ways to reach my goal. Aalé’s energy is positively infectious.

Since starting the programme I’ve learnt that taking small steps leads to bigger outcomes. I’ve had to take a break due to personal reasons but hope to continue and be back on track again soon.

Ayesha Ovaisi

I thoroughly enjoyed my sessions with Aale because of her holistic coaching style, her ability to relate to both the Eastern and Western psyche and her approach to practicing a healthy lifestyle which resonate with my own. I was particularly impressed with how the programme was tailor made to suit realistic objectives for myself, rather than cookie cutter solutions. I also felt comforted by the steady pace in which she conducted the programme which meant at no point did I feel overwhelmed. I would recommend Aale to anyone who is looking to proactively work on any area of self-development and needs the right guidance and support along the way. Aale is relatable, easy to talk to and full of encouragement. Overall, I feel I am more in control and focused on achieving my personal objectives and that has come about through working with Aale. I learned how to manage my sugar cravings (I have a sweet tooth!) without having to give up my favourite treats. I also developed a better understanding of foods groups and what kind of balance worked best for my body. I built consistency with my movement and really started enjoying exercise because it felt good. The best part is that I continue to be consistent with all the lifestyle changes months after the program ended.

Admin & Marketing Manager, London